miércoles, 19 de mayo de 2010

My son Henio

My name is Sara, daughter of Chaya and Ephraim. I am 24 old and. I am married to Samuel since I was 18. Henio is our son. Tomorrow he starts school. For me it is an important day, but my husband doesn´t really look interested.

Since I have the use of reason, my life is Samuel. I met him when I was 12, and I knew immediately that would be my husband. But we are different. He follows the Bible with genuine devotion. I wonder if the written word of our ancestors is our release, or our chains. We talk about my doubts often. Samuel is shocked, but her love for me is greater than his religious scandal. Sometimes, I have fear of their religious fervor.

My family's livestock. We have cows and planted wheat. Our farm is located on the outskirts of Lublin. Samuel is the older brother of my best friend Zivia. When I was 16 years old he took his place as a teacher, and asked me to marry.

I love my husband and my son with all my heart. I would give my life for them without hesitation. When our financial situation improves, I hope to give another son to Samuel.

Yesterday German troops entered in Poland. They seemed to be ahead of Hitler's invasion. Germany seeks the Danzig corridor back. There seems to be a German minority and the Nazis are willing to extend their "vital area." I realize that war is inevitable, but I try to pacify my husband. At the end of the day can only try to save enough to return to Israel.

I work every day milking cows. So many liters of milk passing through my hands, with no chance to provide my son a daily glass of milk! All money we earn dedicate it to pay the mortgage granted us family of Judah. Tomorrow is payday, and there is not enough to meet the full quota. I hope that Samuel tutorials that gives young son and a friend of Henio is sufficient.

I am willing to fight for my family, but I want to free religious yoke Samuel which imprisons him. I do not understand why we should eat some foods but not others. It is clear that when the "law" was established, it was for pragmatic reasons, not supernatural. It was convenient to prohibit pork because of the deseases it caused. Not knowing why we are infected, it is clear that we must know why they forbid: The prophets make us the "favor" I know I can easily believe and let myself be carried away by the stream, but something inside of me is revealed Against religious imposition.

I'm not Christian, because I can not be it, but I believe that Jesus Christ did not intend to found a religion. I think it is intended merely to free ourselves from our own. Jewish rebels, who became Christians were pursued by Paul of Tarsus.

Paul of Tarsus realized the courage and obedience of first Christians and took the chance to create his own religion.

You only had to control the biography of Jesus which then called the New Testament. This is what I think, but I dare not tell my husband, since it would probably disown me.

My child feels so tender and helpless. He are naked without me. Shortly after going to bed, he comes to sleep with us. Samuel likes it. but he squeezes him like a teddy bear. He does not realize that it is sensitive and should be treated with more tenderness. "Tomorrow will be a good day" I think while I fall slept hugging my husband and my son.

lunes, 17 de mayo de 2010

My friend Judah

I hate mother leaving me alone. I feel safe with her. Daddy is OK, but I fear him. I like the feel of mom. It makes me feel relieved. We are moving towards the house of Judah. She lives in the rich neighborhood. I wonder about school. Perhaps boys collect trading cards of the 194 Bible characters , from Aaron to Zophar. I am encouraged to collect all the characters, while memorize their lives and their teachings. I have repeated Zipporah´s card wife of Moses, Jethro's daughter and mother of Gershom and Eliezer.

We approach the house of Judah, and I seem to see in the distance.I ran to meet him. Three weeks ago we caught a sparrow eggs. Since then I keep them near our fireplace. I tell him that sparrows are not still born, but we hope they will. Judah has an abacus in hand. He is just 8 years, but he knows how to add and subtract. My father provides him private lessons because his father wants him to learn fast and become a banker like him.

Judah's mother appears. Her name is Bethany, which means house of God. She's very beautiful, but it seems infinitely sad. Perhaps he is sick, I do not know. She gives a bag to Judah, and he says he loves him. I think she's crying. She greets my father and enters your house. It's a big house. It has many rooms,we play to "the darkness of the night" and I get lost often. Then I begin to mourn until I found one of the servants of Judah.

We walk towards school. My father uses to teach us the scriptures, but I do not pay attention. I keep trying to remember the dream I had last night, and nearly succeeds. In my dreams I see a person far away, I move, but disappears. I am back to reality when my father pulled me by the arm and points to the door of a large and elegant. It is our school, it is called Trachten.

jueves, 13 de mayo de 2010

My first school day

I think I had good dreams I do not really remember. Usually I do not remember my dreams, but they are always good. When I wake up I always check that I did not peed in the bed. I have not do so It's because I'm adult. Today is my first day at school.

I woke up earlier than usual. I can not get back to sleep. I run to my parents' bed. I like to sleep with mom. Dad is heavy, and I am always crushed. He does not let me breathe. I'm afraid to tell him, because he may be angry with me. He has never punish me. Well, only once. I had to vaccinate and I am afraid of needles. I feel very scared. I ran from the hospital and did not stop until home. Dad almost sent me flying back.

Today Dad hugs me too hard. I run off and go slowly crawled the room to the kitchen. There's my mother, preparing breakfast.

- Hello darling How did you sleep last night? - Asked my mother.

- Well, although I do not remember what I dreamed again. But allright.

- Do not worry darling, you'll end up remembering - I am relieved to see that my mother is an issue that has me really worried: I do not remember my dreams.

I served a glass of milk. Every afternoon, I will bring the milk to the house of my aunt. It is my daily task. I take the milk and cross the neighborhood to the garden where cows graze in the family. My aunt is a nice fat lady and always asks me to give her a kiss. Begins to tire the subject. After all, I'm older.

My father sits with a newspaper on Sunday. Today is Monday 28 August. On Saturday a group of German soldiers were captured by the Polish army. The French ambassador visited Hitler, a man who yells a lot on the radio and asked him to make peace, on behalf of his boss, Prime Minister of France. By failing to heed the man who screams on the radio it pleaded for women and children in Europe. It seems that both two had been warriors in the Great War. The man who screams on the radio, apparently did not respond.

I ask Dad as school. He is a teacher. He says the school is a place to learn many interesting things and play with many friends. Even let me draw on a piece of paper. It reminds me not to paint on the walls. Neither in the school.

Mum looks happy to see me in my first school day. She seems nervous about school. Almost as much as me. I prepared the pack, with some crackers and an apple. Before leaving the house she took my hands and prayed "I ask God to give my child to learn patience, courage to recognize the world as it really is and courage to improve"

To hear I was a little confused, I thought it was my mother who would accompany me to school to pick from before Judah, but apparently not with us to the corner and there take the direction of the barn of the family will take care of cows.

domingo, 9 de mayo de 2010

Getting ready for the school first day

Tomorrow will be September the first. Tomorrow start school. I wonder what is in school. I'm a little scared. Dad says there is no reason to be afraid. After all, he is a teacher. Mom says I will meet a lot kids my age.

I always play with my neighbor, Judah. He is a year younger than me, so I always won. I am faster and stronger than him. Sometimes I let him win, because I notice it is sad if I'm always the first. When I am an adult I want to marry him. Dad says we can not. Boys are married with girls, but I did not get along with them. They are crybabies and do not like football. I prefer to Judah.

I have seven years old. I have a mom and a dad. And I have a favorite place. It's above my closet where I hide when I play. I Live in Lublin, Poland. Not everyone has a mom and dad, but everyone has their favorite. Today I decided that I will never get out of Lublin. I'll stay here forever. With mom and dad. In Lublin

I was sent to bed at 9 P.M. I could not even listen to the radio in my mother's lap.
Dad looks worried. He says that the Nazis are able to do anything to put an end to the Jews. While mum weaves a warm shelter for me. Winter is very cold in Poland. From my bed I listen her:

- Honey do not worry, Berlin is almost a thousand kilometers away. Polish government protects us. We are practically half of Lublin population! - He reassures

Apparently the Nazis were Germans, and are far away. But Dad has long been in a bad mood, angry. Discusses Mom often. It is not that bad lead. Dad loves mom, but dad is scared. I do not know why, but it has fear.

Lublin is a small city 200 kilometers away from Varsobia I think I'm Polish, but daddy said thatwe are Jews. We are the chosen people of Yahweh. I have been taught to pray Yahweh and I'm learning the 613 commandments of my people.

We respect the Kosher Law. We do not eat unclean animals such as pigs or sacred as the eagle. We can not eat unclean animals such as the octopus or rabbits. Judah eats rabbit. Judah is my best friend. His father is rich. Takes Jews savings and lends them to others. he is a banker. Dad says this goes against the scriptures. Often he says solemnly, "it is written and when a brother acogiere waxen poor, and you, you as a sojourner, a stranger and live with thee. Not take it usury or profit, but fear of God and your brother may live with you. Do not give your money to usury "is word of Moses, and our book is Leviticus. Mom replied "From gentle you require interest, but your brother will not do ... "

Judah's family is important are the descendants of Levi, Judah Loew ben Bezalel. They have been many generations keeping the others money. They lend it to the Gentiles, charging interest. They are very, very, rich.

I can not sleep. I want milk. Mom comes running and tells me there is no milk. My Excitement morphs into tears. He explains that we can not buy milk until my father's gets his salaryof the school year. Mom knows that if she sings a song I will stop crying. She sings the song of Abraham.

As Abraham married Sarah and had 12 sons they founded the 12 tribes of Israel. Abraham begat Isaac when she was99 years old thanks to their covenant with God. They called it the Brit Milah (Hebrew בְּרִית מִילָה) and it consists of a small cut that we made in the weeny the eighth day of our birth. Even Christian children celebrate it, call it circumcision. Even celebrate the day that circumcised his prophet, Jesus of Nazareth, is the celebration of New Year and marks the beginning of their calendar.

My mother's voice soothes me. She strokes and every time my arms are more relaxed. Start listening Mom away. I think of Judah. The neighborhood kids laugh at him because he is not circumcised. I always defend him.

Tomorrow we'll go with Mom to pick him way to school which is next to his home. Gently sink me in my dreams, I can not wait for tomorrow, and it is here.